Home » Top 10 best productivity apps for iPhone in 2024

Top 10 best productivity apps for iPhone in 2024

by Thu Hà

1. Elephas

Elephas simplifies typing efficiency on iPhones / iPads through smart writing modes, text shortcuts, and global leaderboards, motivating progress. 

Alternatively, robust security ensures private notes stay confidential. Ultimately, Elephas boosts productivity by personalizing the keyboard for professionals needing tailored and protected typing.

Elephas Features:

  1. Writing Modes: Elephas offers up to eight distinct writing modes such as “Professional,” “Friendly,” “Funny,” and so on. These modes allow users to tailor the tone of their text to suit various occasions. This feature can be used seamlessly within any application, including Google Docs, Slack, Mail, and others.
  2. Custom Variables: This feature enables the creation of efficient text expansions for repetitive responses. It’s a time-saving tool that can significantly speed up typing, especially for commonly used phrases or responses.
  3. Confidential Mode: This mode is designed to protect sensitive information. It does this through encrypted typing and self-destructing text history, ensuring that your private information stays private.
  4. Clipboard Manager: A useful tool that aids productivity by making it easier to copy and paste across different apps. It keeps track of everything you’ve copied, allowing you to easily access and use the information later.
  5. Handwriting Recognition: This feature intelligently converts handwritten notes into digital text, making it easier to save and share your notes.
  6. Smart Assistant: While you’re typing, the Smart Assistant provides real-time grammar correction, spelling checks, and vocabulary suggestions, helping to improve the quality of your text.
  7. Biometric Security: To ensure confidentiality, Elephas requires fingerprint or face ID validation before accessing the app. This adds an extra layer of security to protect your information.
  8. Global Leaderboard: This feature fosters healthy competition within the Elephas community, encouraging users to improve their writing effectiveness.

Elephas Pricing:

  1. Basic Features: The basic features of Elephas come pre-installed for free for all iPhone and iPad users. This allows a wide audience to benefit from the app’s capabilities without any cost.
  2. Premium Pro Subscription: For about $4.99 per month, users can unlock advanced functionalities. These include unlimited clipboard history, writing analytics with coherence grading, custom fonts, personalized color themes, and more. This subscription is designed for power users who need added customization.

In today’s world, where personalized efficiency optimization is pivotal, intelligent keyboard customization solutions like Elephas are worth considering. They offer serious productivity seekers a way to enhance their daily effectiveness through tailored and secure typing. Elephas, with its range of features and affordable pricing, is a strong contender in this field.

2. Things 3

Things 3 allows effortless task organization with flexible tagging options, helpful reminders, and seamless calendar integration. Its intuitive interface enables quickly capturing tasks and ideas while robust features like search, sorting, and filtering streamline accessing tasks easily. Things 3 promotes efficiency through smart task scheduling, prioritizing important responsibilities first.

  1. Quick Capture of Tasks and Ideas: Things 3 provides easily accessible quick-entry screens that allow for the swift capture of tasks and ideas. Whether you’re typing out or dictating your thoughts, the process is smooth and efficient. Pre-set tags are available to neatly classify your entries.
  2. Promotion of Clarity through Context Addition: The app promotes clarity by allowing for the addition of context to your tasks. For instance, reminders can confirm pertinent details such as the venue of a meeting, contacts involved, and other aspects of the main agenda.
  3. Location Triggers: This feature automatically surfaces related tasks when you’re near important places, ensuring you’re reminded of what needs to be done at the right time and place.
  4. Multiple Viewing Options: Things 3 offers a variety of viewing options to suit your needs. The dashboard provides a summary of your workload, the Today view highlights time-specific tasks, the Upcoming view displays future tasks, and the Someday view reveals plans that are eventual or vague.
  5. Integration with Calendar Entries: Things 3 can parse Calendar entries, seamlessly integrating events and appointments with your personal tasks. This ensures that all your commitments are in one place.
  6. Seamless Updates Across Devices: The app provides seamless updates across devices through automatic sync. It also integrates smoothly with other Apple devices through ecosystem features like Handoff.
  7. Widgets on iPhone Homepage: Things 3 can display widgets on the iPhone homepage, keeping you updated on pending tasks for prompt completion.

Things 3 Pricing:

  1. Free Trial Period: Things 3 offers a free trial period for initial evaluation before you decide on an optimum pricing plan.
  2. Pricing Tiers: There are three pricing tiers available based on usage needs. The basic Solo plan, costing $9.99 annually, offers individual use for iPhone and iPad. An upgrade at $14.99 annually unlocks Mac apps as well.
  3. Setapp’s Subscription Model: For enhanced collaboration, Things 3 is also available under Setapp’s subscription model, costing $9.99 monthly.
  4. Bulk Pricing for Teams: Bulk pricing is also offered for teams, with volume discounts available.

In conclusion, Things 3 is a comprehensive task management tool with a range of features designed to enhance productivity and organization. Its pricing plans cater to a variety of needs, making it a versatile choice for individuals and teams alike.

3. Streaks

Streaks employs proven psychology to build lasting habits. You set goals and track progress with satisfying visualization, while Streaks motivates you through alerts and reminders. Streaks’ simple tracking methodology encourages forming helpful habits like regular exercise, reading daily, or consistently working towards big goals through small, daily progress.


Streaks Features

Streaks display goals as circular progress bars that dynamically fill through sustained effort, providing visual confirmation. Reminders notify for distant goals while tracking reattempts on failures, preventing abandonment. Flexible goal settings allow tracking simple habits like drinking water daily or persisting long-term dreams via milestone tracking.

Streak groups interlinked goals like diet and exercise for comprehensive improvement. Nested goals add layers like learning musical instruments and then composing original songs, enabling immense customization. Streaks foster steady progress through encouraging messages and celebratory animations on goal achievement. Social sharing allows accountability through peer viewing, while leaderboards introduce healthy competition.

Streaks offers Apple Health integration plus supports popular wearables like Fitbit, Garmin, Xiaomi devices, etc. Leveraging activity tracking from such devices enables automatically leveling up goals and setting higher targets based on actual performance. Custom sentences in reminders provide personalized motivation!

Streaks Pricing

Streaks offer a free trial for testing apps initially before picking a suitable pricing plan. A monthly subscription begins at $3.99, offering access across unlimited iOS devices. Annual plans provide savings at $14.99, covering the same extensive access. Subscriptions are auto-renewed by default for steady use but can be canceled anytime after the initial trial. One-time purchases are also available at $9.99 to support development.

4. Sorted3

Sorted^3 combines list creation with intelligent algorithms that automatically schedule tasks optimally daily. It examines task deadlines and durations to allot an appropriate timeline for completing them. Sorted^3 reschedules unfinished tasks the next day while updating the list automatically, reducing the need for manual entry. Its flexibility allows customizing schedules to match personal paces and preferences.

Sorted^3 Features

Sorted^3 accommodates multiple approaches to task tracking beyond simple to-do lists. Various custom tags indicate priority, location, people involved, etc, for a sorted organization. Labels classify tasks as Errands, Calls, Meetings, Travel and custom categories. Sorted^3 understands task relationships, linking sequential steps automatically so finishing one prompt next.

Sorted^3 reschedules unfinished tasks the next day by default, while continual postponement triggers reminders, preventing overlooked tasks. Flexible timeline customization is possible depending on workload – squeezing 24 hours within 12 if you work late or maybe just 6 hours for relaxed days. Sorted^3 also offers iPad and Apple Watch companions, enabling creating tasks anywhere comfortably.

Integrations like Siri shortcuts, reminders, and calendar sync simplify entering tasks through conversational instructions rather than extensive typing. The summary dashboard offers birds-eye visibility on pending workload and tracked habits for instant progress insight. Charts reveal trends in task completion rates, highlighting the scope for time management improvements.

Sorted^3 Pricing

Sorted^3 offers a free version for initial trials containing core features, but advanced functionalities require picking a suitable premium plan. Top priority costs $14.99 monthly, granting access across all devices, while $19.99 annual plan saves overall. Premium plans unlock integration with Apple Watch Plus, which offers real-time sync and support. Bulk pricing is also available for teams if needed. One-time purchases between $5 and $10 provide lifetime access to limited features.

5. OmniFocus 3

OmniFocus 3 is highly customizable and tailored to match personal workflow. Robust features like tagging, filtering, and searching enable the organization of complex projects efficiently, while Forecast summarizes task workload to schedule time smartly. OmniFocus 3 integrates fully with Calendar and Reminders, syncing across devices automatically. Reviewing daily workload and breaking down sizable projects into doable bits promotes steady productivity.

OmniFocus Features

OmniFocus provides a forecast view summarizing upcoming workloads for efficient scheduling and prioritization. Custom perspectives allow focusing on specific task categories or time durations like the week ahead. 

Extensive tagging and filtering capabilities enable the creation of customized hierarchies tailored to personal workflow. Linked tags connect interrelated tasks automatically, while sequential projects break down large goals into achievable action steps for steady progress. 

OmniFocus integrates seamlessly across devices like Mac, iPad, and iPhone through cloud sync. Handoff enables switching devices to mid-task fluidly. Third-party automations are also possible for added convenience using iOS shortcuts, Markdown, etc.

OmniFocus Pricing

OmniFocus offers a free trial period for initial evaluation before needing to pick a suitable paid license based on usage needs. Three pricing tiers are available – basic solo plan ($9.99/month) for individual use, pro plan ($99.99/year), adding team features, or premium enterprise plan ($50/month) with priority support.

6. Productive

Productive offers comprehensive insights with automatic time tracking and detailed analytics. Charts demonstrate daily activity levels, revealing distracting apps wasting maximum time, which you can then restrict. Productive calculates workload according to app categories used, highlighting productive and unproductive periods accurately. Customizable goals and streaks inspire progress consistently.

Productive Features

Productive captures data through passive tracking, not needing manual effort. Charts reveal daily time breakdown by apps, highlighting distracting categories for self-imposed restrictions boosting productivity. Custom goals incentivize reducing wasteful app usage through rewarding streaks upon hitting daily targets.

Productive allows customization in tracking parameters – pausing temporarily during off-work periods or excluding certain apps from monitoring. Fine-tuning data collection to personal preferences ensures relevance. Sharing tracked usage on motivation communities introduces healthy competition toward reducing phone addiction.

Screen time details provide insightful comparisons between productive and distracting app categories. Guidance articles and productivity tips offer specific suggestions for identified weaknesses. Exporting analytics in PDF or spreadsheet enables deeper diagnosis by third-party productivity experts, too!

Productive Pricing

Productive offers a free version, allowing entry-level insights to improve productivity. Premium upgrade through a $28 monthly subscription unlocks advanced features like exporting data, usage charts, and detailed reporting for deeper analytics.

Team pricing is also offered at $24 monthly (in a yearly plan) for centralized tracking across company devices, monitoring employee progress on meeting usage goals. Yearly and half-yearly plans allow savings on bulk subscriptions for organization use. Major discounts are provided for non-profits and academic institutions to benefit the wider community.

7. Due

Due provides practical reminders, timers, and time tracking for busy days. Multiple custom reminders ensure completing important tasks promptly, while due dates add urgency for an early finish. Manual or automatic timers monitor task duration, tracking procrastinated responsibilities needing more structure. Due even shares handy productivity tips!

Due Features

Due provides persistent reminders, ensuring important tasks rarely slip the mind. Custom repetition can be set daily, on specific dates, location triggers, etc., suiting the nature of the task. Overdue tasks get automatically rescheduled until completion. Due to snoozing reminders, if ignored, it continues to exceed the pre-set duration.

Due to preconfigured timers for fixed intervals – the Pomodoro technique breaks tasks into 25-minute chunks with 5-minute rests, while the 20-20-20 method reminds 20-20-second breaks every 20 minutes to glance far away, relaxing eyes. Custom timers are also creatable, matching personal pace and task needs.

Due to integrating fully with Apple Calendar, Contacts, and Notes – adding entries, birthdays, pulling in lists, etc, becomes easier. It even supports creating PDF / CSV checklist templates on Mac for structured tracking. Siri automation allows voice-based triggering reminders, which is suitable when actively working on priority tasks.

Due Pricing

Due offers a free version with minimal usable features, but expanded capabilities require a premium upgrade. The monthly subscription is $4.99, while the yearly plan bills $14.99, saving overall costs. One-time purchases are priced at $9.99, allowing lifetime access across unlimited Apple devices. Family sharing unlocks access for five family members through a single purchase. Academic pricing provides student discounts, too!

8. Forest

Forest builds focus through gamification, growing virtual trees representing time spent productively. The launched timer locks the phone, discouraging distraction while completing the set duration, which spawned a tree. Accumulating trees unlocks delightful surprises, motivating persisting progress. Forest’s zoning divides the day into segments for work and rest, while the leaderboard introduces healthy competition with friends.

Forest Features

Forest offers visually charting productivity analytics for deeper insights – cumulative trees indicate total distraction-free duration, while the longest green streak marks the optimum focus period. Leaderboard fosters healthy competition amongst friends for motivation.

Customizable workspace ranges from 25-120 minutes, supporting both short and prolonged deep work sessions. Interval reminders during workspace keep you updated on remaining time while allowing app exit if urgently needed through fee deduction. Forest even shares pertinent productivity tips during the session for incremental improvements.

A soothing nature ambiance plays gently during work pace for relaxation while completing a set duration triggers delightful animation growing a cartoon tree. Accumulating virtual coins through persistent trees unlocks surprising, delightful themes!

Forest Pricing

Forest initially offers limited functionality for the free trial before opting for optimal pricing. Monthly membership is $3.99 billed or $ 31.99 annual plan, enabling premium features. A one-time purchase of lifetime access is $2.99, supporting app development. Academic pricing gives student discounts at $1.99 per month. Family sharing allows up to 5 members for $3.99 monthly through a single purchase. Bulk pricing is available, too!

9. Evernote

Evernote offers robust organizational features ideal for information accumulation. Intuitive notebooks with color coding and tagging provide structure for storing versatile content – text, images, voice memos, web clips, etc. Handwriting recognition and document scanners simplify note-taking further. Evernote’s powerful search locates specific notes rapidly, even within documents and images.

Evernote Features

Evernote offers universal capture tools to simplify collecting information easily without disruptive switching between apps – browser clipper, iOS shortcuts, email to Evernote, etc. enabling single tap saving anything worthwhile. Camera mode even applies document scan-enhancing filters automatically on snap.

Quick notebook creation with custom tags and colors provides structured organization catering to versatile needs – separate work / personal sections with contextual tagging or color-coded priority marking. Intelligent search looks through text content, tags, locations, and reminders to locate required notes super fast.

Evernote integrates well across major platforms like iOS, Android, Windows, Mac, etc, enabling steady access everywhere through synced notes. Handoff allows seamless transition between devices mid-work. Third-party app support like Slack, Salesforce, and Asana expands capabilities further. Evernote also offers secure enterprise solutions for companies.

Evernote Pricing

Evernote offers varied pricing options suiting diverse needs. The free version supports basic usage, while Plus, at $8 monthly, offers better search, offline access, and notebook-sharing capabilities. Premium at $8 unlocks saved search, PDF annotations, and priority support. A business plan focuses on organizational capabilities. Special academic and volume discounts are provided, too!

10. Bear Notes

Bear Notes’ specialized features are tailored specifically towards note-taking. Beautiful markup options allow extensive customization in typography, color, and layouts for visually engaging notes. Embed images, to-do lists, and code blocks within notes for consolidated information storage. Bear Notes enables easy exporting of notes in multiple file formats, suitable for formal sharing online or offline.

Bear Notes Features

Bear notes offer fluid, natural writing through intuitive formatting gestures – highlighting text automatically activates the toolbar for applying styles without tedious menu navigations while hashtags or asterisk transforms into the nifty checklist, to-do syntax instantly. Organization stays simple yet flexible through linking between notes keeping related info connected.

Customizable themes allow a personalized, pleasant writing environment, while multiple export formats make sharing polished notes effortless online and offline. Bear focuses specifically on writing; hence, specialized features for audio recording, sketching drawings, or spreadsheet additions avoid feature bloat. Sync remains consistent through iCloud, offering steady access without headaches from iPhone, iPad, or Mac.

Bear Notes Pricing

Bear Notes offers limited note storage space for free, to begin with, but increased capacity requires a Pro subscription at $1.49 monthly. Annual plans cost $29.99, saving overall. The family option at $3.49 monthly allows up to 5 family members to use full features through sharing single purchases. Alternatively, a one-time payment between $1.5 – and $15 purchases incremental iCloud storage space outright, depending on needs. Academic discounts are provided, too!

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